From soft and stinky stools to firm and healthy logs, it’s time to get the full scoop on your dog’s poop.
Backed by Lyka’s in-house veterinary experts, this guide uncovers the truth about number twos, complete with helpful colour and texture charts.
When it comes to your dog's poo, what goes in must come out — whether it’s dinner or a sneaky snack from the park. But did you know your pup’s poop can offer vital clues about their health? It could indicate red flags that might need a trip to the v-e-t.
Lyka's experts provide key callouts on nine poo colour types and the six different consistencies, to help you better understand what might be going on with your pup and how to help.
TMI? There’s no such thing when it comes to our dogs — especially when we’re talking about their health.
Dive in to learn what their poop is telling you and how you can support their gut health with healthy dog food.
This article was medically reviewed by Dr Darcy Marshall.
What does a healthy poo look like?
Healthy dogs produce poos that slide out in the shape of logs and are light or medium brown to dark brown. They have segments and a playdough-like consistency and are firm enough to pick up easily without leaving anything behind.
Healthy stools will vary depending on the pup. Understanding your dog’s bowel movements can help you recognise what their “normal” poo looks like so you can tell when something changes.
A one-off change in shape or consistency is usually not a concern. But if your dog’s poo continues to look unusual or they are going to the toilet more or less than usual, speak to your vet, as this may be a sign of a gut health issue.
How does Lyka define a “really good poo”?
At Lyka, a “really good poo” matches the criteria of a healthy poo: they’re light-medium to dark brown logs and easy to scoop.
A Lyka poo is often smaller and less smelly (win!). Lyka’s fresh, real food meals are more easily digested1 and absorbed into the body, producing less waste than processed diets.
On the flip side, an unhealthy dog poo can have many variations. Check out our unhealthy dog poo charts for colour and consistency cues below — these charts can be used to understand the meaning behind poos for puppies, seniors and all dogs in between.
A closer look: colour
The colour of your dog’s poo can reveal a lot about their health.
A healthy poo will be light-medium or dark brown, but this can be influenced by the food they’ve eaten, so keep this in mind before making a call. Food like seeds or coconut aren’t always digested, so they’ll often be visible in poo and can be easily mistaken for worms.
If the change in colour does not relate to their diet and it’s a persistent change to their normal bowel movements, it may be a cause for concern. Time to rope in the professionals and get some advice from your vet.
White flecked poo
White flecks in your dog’s poo can be a sign of worms, which are contagious and require immediate veterinary attention.
If your dog has recently ingested rice, seeds, or coconut, the white specks may be undigested food.
Next steps: Make an appointment with your vet for a checkup if it looks like worms or you’re unsure, and remember to stay up to date with your pup’s worming treatment.
White poo
If your dog’s poo is white with a chalky consistency, it indicates that there may be too much calcium in their diet or they’ve been eating too many bones, which is common in raw diets. White poo usually isn't too worrying for pups, but higher calcium intake can be connected to constipation which can be uncomfortable or painful for your pup.
Next steps: Try reducing your pup’s bone intake and monitor their subsequent bowel movements. If their white poos persist, check with your vet.
Furry-looking stools
Fur in your dog’s poo could be from eating small rodents, or it could be from their raw food, like rabbit fur.
If your dog has been licking themselves a lot recently, they may have swallowed some of their fur which has appeared in their faeces. Their poo isn’t necessarily the concern in this situation, but their constant licking could be a sign of an allergy or a skin disease.
Next steps: Suspected allergies or skin diseases should be investigated by your vet.
For residual fur from something they’ve eaten, it’s normal for it to pass through their system. Continue to observe the frequency of their toilet trips and check the quality of their stools. If you have any concerns, seek veterinary advice.
Dog skin allergies are one of the most common reasons for a trip to the vet, which is why we collaborated with Veterinarian Dr Matthiew Muir to create this expert guide to navigating your pup's allergies:
🐩 Read more: Dog skin allergies: triggers, symptoms and itch relief →
Grey, pale or light tan poo
If there’s too much fat in your pup’s diet, their system may struggle to digest it all, leading to greasy, grey dog poo. In more serious cases, grey or light tan stools may suggest liver or pancreatic problems.
Next steps: If your dog is otherwise healthy, continue monitoring your dog’s poos for 1-2 days to see if the colour changes to a healthy light-medium to dark brown colour. If not, make an appointment to speak with your vet.
Learn more about pancreatitis and ways to manage it holistically:
🐩 Read more: Dog pancreatitis: a holistic guide to pain-free prevention and care →
Pink or purple faeces
If you notice an unusual pink or purple colour in your pup’s faeces, it could be a sign of hemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE). HGE causes vomiting and diarrhoea and can be fatal in some cases.
Next steps: Call your vet immediately.
Want to learn more about what your pup's vomit means? We created an ultimate guide (just like this one) with colour and consistency charts so you can understand your pup's symptoms better:
🐩 Read more: Lyka's no-nonsense guide to dog vomit →
Red blood or red streaky poo
Red faeces, red streaks or bloody mucus in dog poo is often a sign of bleeding in the lower gastrointestinal tract. Your pup might be straining too much, leading to an anal fissure, or it may indicate a gastrointestinal disease such as colitis or gastroenteritis.
Next steps: Red blood in your dog’s poo is not a normal occurrence. If there’s only a small amount of blood, keep an eye on it and your pup’s behaviour. If it lasts longer than 1-2 days, visit your vet for advice.
Green poo
Green dog poo usually suggests one of two things: ingesting too much grass or a possible gallbladder issue, resulting in bile content in your pup's poop.
Pups may chew a blade or two of grass now and then, so it’s relatively normal to find grass in your dog’s poo. Sometimes it’s to soothe an upset stomach or to add fibre to their diet. They cannot digest grass effectively, so it ends up in their stools.
Next steps: Contact your vet if there’s no grass in their faeces and their poo remains green for the next 1-2 days.
Yellow or orange poo
Yellow or orange dog stools could be a sign of a biliary or liver problem — the unusual colour comes from the bile acids in your dog's system. If your dog has yellow diarrhoea, this could also result from a sudden change in diet. Avoid feeding chicken and rice if your pup has an upset tummy and opt for a balanced combination of butternut squash, lean poultry protein and bone broth instead.
Next steps: If your dog is otherwise in good health, monitor them and their bowel movements, but if the problem persists for more than 1-2 days, call your vet.
Black or tarry poo
Black, tarry dog poo is not a common occurrence. It’s a digestive condition called melena, which refers to bleeding in the upper gastrointestinal tract, like the stomach or the small intestines. The sticky, black consistency comes from the partially digested blood.
Causes of melena include:
Viral or bacterial pathogens
A foreign body in the gastrointestinal tract
Exposure to toxins
Next steps: Call your vet immediately.
A closer look: texture and consistency
The texture, consistency, and odour of your dog’s poo can also help clue you into what’s going on with your pup, and whether their poos are healthy or unhealthy.
Slimy, mucousy or jelly-like poo
Some mucus in dog poop is fairly normal — your pup’s intestines naturally produce mucus to keep their colon’s lining moist and lubricated, preventing constipation.
Excessive amounts of this slimy substance in their stools may suggest:
An intestinal infection
A rapid change in diet
An adverse food reaction
An inflammatory disorder
Dietary indiscretion (eating unusual items)
Next steps: Keep an eye on the situation, but if it persists for more than 1-2 days, call your vet.
Have more questions about mucus in your pup's poo? Find out more in our vet expert guide:
🐩 Read more: Mucus in dog stools: symptoms, causes, and treatment
Round, hard, marble-shaped poo
Hard stools that are dry and sometimes crumbly may be an indication that your dog is constipated. Not fun!
A reduction in intestinal movement can be very uncomfortable and painful for your pup. It can be caused by highly processed, hard-to-digest foods, including kibble, or a diet that contains too much or too little fibre.
If the stool is quite large compared to the amount of food they’ve consumed, it could imply that the food isn’t being digested properly.
Your pup could also be dehydrated — try using dog-friendly bone broth to make drinking water more appealing. Serve it warm or even as an ice block to entice them.
Lyka has a high moisture content, particularly our Chicken Bowl, which helps with hydration to prevent constipation. The insoluble fibres found in each meal help to increase stool bulk and stimulate movement within the gastrointestinal tract. We always use healthy fibre sources like ancient grains, purple sweet potato and butternut squash.
Next steps: If the problem continues for more than 1-2 days, make an appointment to see your vet.
Need a more in-depth guide on treating your pup's constipation? We asked our in-house vet experts about what to do and when it's time to see the vet:
🐩 Read more: Relief for your constipated dog: effective solutions and when to seek veterinary help
Greasy poo
Faeces that look greasy are a sign that your pup is struggling to absorb nutrients from their food and may indicate an issue with their pancreas.
Next steps: Speak to your vet for their professional opinion.
Formed, but soft and smelly poo
A soft and stinky poo or excessive flatulence can be a sign of an imbalance in your pup’s gut health and microbiome3. It can be caused by a high-fat or high-carbohydrate diet and poor-quality ingredients that are hard to absorb, resulting in excess fermentation in the colon that generates gas.
Lyka meals contain natural probiotics and prebiotics to help restore the balance of the microbiome to improve overall health and reduce those offensive farts.
Next steps: Check their diet and adjust their fat and carbohydrate ratios under the guidance of your vet or pet nutritionist.
Not sure if your pup's farts are normal? Find your answers here:
🐩 Read more: Is my dog's farting normal? Your gas questions answered →
"Soft serve” or sloppy poo
Let’s get one thing straight, soft serve should never come out of your pup. Poo with a soft-serve consistency often indicates something not quite right with your pup’s digestion and intestinal function.
Sloppy stools can be caused by dietary, environmental or health reasons, and can be common in pups that are fed a highly processed diet or food that’s high in refined carbohydrates, like kibble.
The fresh, high-quality ingredients and dietary fibre (like psyllium seed husk) in Lyka meals are digested and absorbed easily, leading to smaller, firmer and more scoopable poos. Discover how real food like Lyka compares to kibble diets.
Next steps: Consult your vet for a conversation about their poo and gas habits. They can rule out any medical conditions and discuss dietary options with you.
Want to learn more about how real food can help your pup's gut thrive? Read our blog:
🐩 Read more: Why real food could be your dog's gut health hero →
"Switching to Lyka provides highly digestible, high-quality ingredients to create a healthy gut and reduce inflammation. Improve the diversity of the gut microbiome by optimising prebiotic fibre — this has significant flow-on effects to improving overall health and wellbeing."
— Dr Darcy Marshall, Lyka Veterinarian
Runny or watery poo (diarrhoea)
Diarrhoea occurs when your pup’s food moves too fast through their digestive tract and doesn’t allow the intestines enough time to absorb the fluids it normally would.
Smelly, watery diarrhea or runny, loose dog poo can also be caused by a poor-quality or high-fat diet. It can also be a sign of intestinal parasites or worms, so ensure your dog is up to date on their worming treatments.
Next steps: If your dog has had a one-off bout of diarrhoea and is acting fine, they likely needed to pass something out of their system quickly — they should be back to normal relatively soon. Ask yourself: have there been any changes to their diet or did they eat something they shouldn’t have?
Need a home remedy for a one-off instance of diarrhoea? A combination of steamed butternut squash, lean poultry protein and bone broth is more nutritious than chicken and rice and still gentle on sensitive tummies. Make sure these ingredients don't contain any oils or seasonings. Check out how to create the perfect nutritious meal for upset tummies.
If the problem persists, ask yourself: is there anything out of the ordinary like food refusal, lethargy, lameness or vomiting? If so, it’s time to call your vet.
Have more questions about your pup's diarrhoea? Some breeds like Cavoodles and Border Collies are more prone to sensitive stomachs. Check out our expert guide to help you get to the bottom of it:
🐩 Read more: Why does my dog have diarrhoea? A vet expert’s guide
Stinky poos are a sign of poor digestion or absorption of key nutrients2 The same can be said for awful farts, which can also indicate too many carbohydrates in your dog’s diet — a common problem for dogs on kibble diets. The less smelly your dog’s poo is, the healthier their digestive system is.
Next steps: Speak to your vet about the right diet for your pup.
"Soluble fibres and phytonutrients found in fruits, vegetables, seeds and spices, are great for promoting a healthy gut microbiome. They are transformed by gut bacteria and produce fatty acids which support gut health. An ultra-processed diet is less digestible and contains limited vegetables and antioxidant properties. This can lead to an imbalance of gut bacteria and negatively impact digestive health."
— Dr Matthew Muir, Lyka Co-founder and Integrative Veterinarian
Poos when transitioning to a new diet
Trying something new? Here’s what you can expect from number twos.
When dogs transition onto a new diet it’s common to experience some changes to your pup’s poo. This is completely normal while your dog’s system is adjusting to different ingredients and developing a strong microbiome to help digest the new food.
The gut microbiome refers to the microorganisms that live in the gastrointestinal tract — the more diverse the microbiome, the better. If your pup’s diet has been limited to one type of food for a long time, their microbiome will be relatively limited. Moving to a fresh food diet, like Lyka, introduces prebiotics and probiotics that boost their gut health.
Probiotics are a great addition to your pup's bowl to enhance intestinal health and general wellbeing, especially during the transitional process. Lyka's Go-To Gut Helper is a multi-strain probiotic powder that:
Boosts immunity by producing powerful antibodies and reinforcing the intestinal barrier to aid in your pup’s ability to fight foreign nasties and infections
Reduces inflammation by restoring barrier function to prevent bacteria from entering the bloodstream and triggering an inflammatory response
Reduces digestive issues by promoting balanced gut bacteria
Some dogs don’t experience any changes to their stools during the transition, but for others, it may take a few days for their stomach to settle (especially if they have a history of tummy troubles). Either way, here are some handy hints for what to look out for.
What’s normal during the transition period
Some changes to the texture, colour and frequency of your dog’s bowel movements may occur during a transition to a new diet. Changes in consistency to looser stools or diarrhoea are the most common.
If there are no other unusual signs and your dog is happy and healthy, there shouldn’t be any cause for concern. Their system should settle down after a few days and their poos should return to normal.
What’s not normal during the transition period?
If the changes to your pup’s poos last longer than a few days or if they seem unwell, this might be a sign to slow down or pause the transition. This can happen if your pup has a sensitive stomach, a history of gastrointestinal issues or if the transition has been too quick.
If you notice any other abnormalities in their stools, speak to your vet for advice.
Next steps: Our Customer Care Team is always available to answer your questions or provide guidance on transitioning to Lyka. If you’re in any doubt at any time, always contact your vet for a consultation.
How a fresh food diet can improve poos and gut health
Lyka’s vet-formulated healthy dog food contains specifically chosen ingredients to nourish your dog from the inside out. Fresh, real food nutrients are gently cooked and absorbed more effectively into your dog’s system than high-carbohydrate or highly-processed diets, boosting their health and creating smaller, firmer poos.
Your dog’s microbiome is central to their immune system, hormone regulation and their gut-brain axis. Good guts don’t just improve their poos, they improve their overall health and wellbeing.
Want a copy of our guide to keep with you? We’ve created a consolidated chart that breaks down colour, consistency and smell — so you always know what to do after a questionable number 2!
This article was medically reviewed by Dr Darcy Marshall.
Dr Darcy Marshall, BSc, DVM, is a Veterinarian with a strong focus on preventative medicine, dedicated to keeping pets healthy and thriving through proactive care. She studied a Bachelor of Science (BSc) at the University of Melbourne Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at the University of Melbourne.
1 Do, S., Phungviwatnikul, T., De Godoy, M. R., & Swanson, K. S. (2021). Nutrient digestibility and fecal characteristics, microbiota, and metabolites in dogs fed human-grade food. Journal of Animal Science, 99(2).
2 Tolbert, M. K., Murphy, M., Gaylord, L., & Witzel-Rollins, A. (2022).Dietary management of chronic enteropathy in dogs, 63(6), 425-434.
3 Pilla, R., & Suchodolski, J. S. (2020). The Role of the Canine Gut Microbiome and Metabolome in Health and Gastrointestinal Disease. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 6, 498.