Your subscription in
3 easy steps
Choose a plan that suits you
We’ll tailor you a custom meal plan. Choose between recipe mixes and portion sizes based on your puppers unique nutrient needs.
Receive meals fresh & fast
Your pupper's meals are delivered direct to your door, free of charge. You can customise your delivery schedule and we'll keep you updated on the arrival of the drool-worthy goodness.
Enjoy flexibility and control
Enjoy the benefits of Lyka without the commitment. Skip a box, pause or cancel at anytime, your pupper's subscription is 100% flexible for your convenience.

Full bowl plan
100% of your pupper's daily nutrients

Free delivery to your door

Zero trips to the shops

Complete and balanced

Half bowl plan
50% of your pupper's daily nutrients

Free delivery to your door

Benefits on a budget

Mix in with existing food
- Full bowl plan
- Half bowl plan
Need a sniff of approval?
Kick-off with 30% off your first box!
Give your pupper a tongue-tingling taste test of your choice of recipes before you commit to a customised, regular plan.
Try now
Portion planner
Every pupper is different, which means portion sizes should be, too!
Calculate your pupper's serving size by inputting their weight and activity level, or get started now and build a box.
My pupper weighs about
kgs and their activity level is

Frequently asked questions

Want vet tips and pup pics?
Subscribe now for 30% off your first box.