Lyka Story - Senior dog food helps Betty step it up a gear

Small white dog in photo studio

Many senior puppers can develop health complications as they age. That includes becoming pickier with their diet. We’ve teamed up with Peter Sharp from Tame & Wild Studio, an ambassador for Sydney Dogs & Cats Home (SDCH), to tell Betty’s life-changing story from being rehomed and getting her health back on track with healthier senior dog food.

Peter is an award-winning pet photographer who volunteers at SDCH. He strongly believes in the importance of photography to unite puppers with the right family. His passion lies with giving back to the community by capturing touching stories of neglected or sick pets who have gone on to find loving new homes. One of these stories is none other than our Lyka pupper, Betty.

Meet Lucy and her super loving pupper, Betty

Betty, also known as Betty White, is a Maltese-cross who was neglected by her previous owners. At the age of 12, health was not on her side. She required treatment for many health issues and major surgery to remove most of her teeth and multiple mammary tumours. Betty’s fur was matted and needed a new makeover. Betty was part of SDCH’s Senior Pet Project and that’s where she caught Lucy’s eye. Betty White was so excited that she was jumping up and down until Lucy approached her. It was from that day on, Lucy knew Betty was the one she was going to adopt.

Betty White is the star of the show everywhere she goes. She loves a good cuddle and the attention from everyone. As Lucy works from home, she spends all day together with Betty and they even go for walks in Sydney Parks. It was clear Betty’s got a favourite! Since Betty White has been in Lucy’s loving care, Betty is like a new pupper living her best life!

Small white dog in photo studio
12 year old Maltese-cross, Betty White – taken by Peter Sharp from Tame & Wild Studio

Betty’s got an itch for a fresh diet

Like some senior puppers, Betty White was a fussy eater. She also had sensitive itchy skin. Her fur mama Lucy needed to find senior dog food to suit Betty’s fussy nature.

“I was at a fundraiser for SDCH when I met Ian at Bondi Behaviourist. I was speaking to him about Betty’s fussy nature when it comes to food, he mentioned giving Lyka a try and we haven’t looked back since! It’s been a real turn around for her.”

— Lucy, Betty's fur mama

After Betty’s first week on Lyka, Lucy was noticing positive changes in Betty’s energy levels. “She was always excitable when people would come to our house, but she’s definitely stepped it up a gear!” said Lucy. Betty’s sensitive and itchy skin was also stopping her from living her best life, but a fresh bowl of Lyka helped stop that.

“As spring/summer approaches, she is always extra itchy… but that has pretty much stopped completely.”

— Lucy, Betty's fur mama

Small white dog with Lyka pouch

Boosting senior dogs’ energy levels with Lyka

Betty is and has always been a friendly pupper, and since switching to a fresh diet with Lyka, Lucy noticed incredible changes in all aspects of Betty’s life.

“I couldn’t imagine not having her now, adopting her was the best decision we’ve made.”

— Lucy, Betty's fur mama

Every pupper deserves a chance to live their best life and that includes providing them with happier and healthier way of living. It is so important that puppers in need of a home go to the right family and that’s what Peter aims to do through his lens.

To find out more about Betty’s story and other rescue puppers, Peter from Tame & Wild Studio has released “Lost but Found“, a book that captures touching and inspiring stories of neglected or sick animals through his beautiful photography. All of the royalties from the sale of this book go to Sydney Dogs & Cats Home to help puppers find loving homes.

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