Jack Russell breed insights: care, personality & expert tips


Jack Russell Terriers are feisty and energetic — they may be little, but they have big-dog personalities! 

Parenting a Jack Russell can be lots of fun. Their spirited nature makes them best suited for active households and families with older children. 

This is your go-to Jack Russell guide, perfect for first-time and experienced pet parents. Lyka’s holistic approach covers all essential aspects of wellness for these loveable terriers. 

Top breed takeaways

  • Jack Russell temperament: Known for being fearless and vocal, Jack Russells have a strong prey drive, and as fox hunters, they’re not shy of challenging bigger dogs. Early socialisation is vital for these pups, especially when it comes to introducing them to other pets or pups at the park.  

  • What does a Jack Russell look like? These terriers are predominantly white with black or tan markings. They’re small and muscular with little ears and an alert expression.  

  • How long does a Jack Russell live? Jack Russell Terriers have a lifespan between 13 -16 years. Support your pup’s long, healthy life with a holistic approach to health, including nutritious food, and plenty of physical and mental stimulation.  

  • Different types of Jack Russell: The Jack Russell breed has three different types of coats: rough, smooth, and broken (wiry). 

How big does a Jack Russell grow? 

Jack Russells reach maturity by the time they’re 12 months old. Their mature height and weight depend on their gender and size of their parents. 

Height: 25-30 cm 
Weight: 5-6 kg 

Caring for a Jack Russell puppy 

Whether you're a first-time puppy owner or are new to Jack Russells, here's what you can expect as a puppy parent. 

Feeding a Jack Russell puppy 

Jack Russell puppies benefit from a diet rich in high-quality protein for tissue growth, essential vitamins and minerals for bone development and brain function, and low GI carbohydrates for sustained energy. 
Puppies don’t need specific puppy food if they’re getting the right proportion of nutrients to support their development. Knowing how much to feed your Jack Russell puppy is essential — Lyka makes feeding easy with custom-portioned meals tailored to their nutritional needs and life stage.  

🐶 Read more: Puppy nutrition 101: what puppies eat for optimal health


How to train a Jack Russell 

Jack Russells are trainable dogs that thrive when given activities that stimulate their mind and body — but they’re also known for being headstrong! For these reasons, Jack Russells are ideally placed with confident or experienced dog owners who can provide consistent training using positive reinforcement. 

The right nutrition can boost your Jack Russell’s receptivity to training by optimising their cognitive abilities, energy levels, mood, and memory.  

Training a Jack Russell puppy 

When you first welcome a Jack Russell puppy into your home, toilet training is usually the top priority. Puppies can hold their bladder for one hour for every month of age, so they’ll need frequent bathroom breaks throughout the day and night. Use each visit as an opportunity to reinforce your routine. There’s bound to be a few accidents along the way, but with patience and consistency, they’ll get the hang of it in no time.  

Enrichment activities and supervised socialisation opportunities are vital for your puppy’s development. They help your dog understand commands, learn self-regulation, and grow into a happy and healthy adult. Early training is crucial to channel their exuberant and independent character in a positive direction. Jack Russell puppies learn quickly but can also pick up bad habits just as easily, so be consistent from day one. 

The gold standard of training is force-free training, focusing on building obedience through positive reinforcement. 

How much exercise does a Jack Russell need?

These terriers are spunky pocket rockets. They need at least an hour of exercise every day like off-leash playtime, walks, or the occasional ‘sniffari’ (a chance to explore the world with their nose).  

Without adequate stimulation, they can develop behavioural problems due to boredom or frustration often resulting in excessive barking.  

How to groom a Jack Russell 

All Jack Russells have a single coat and shed their hair. They’re low maintenance, but regular grooming can help keep their coats and skin in good condition.  

Smooth-haired Jack Russells can be given a weekly brush to remove any debris or loose hair. Use it as an opportunity to check for parasites and assess their skin health. Rough-haired or broken-haired Jack Russells may need the occasional trim for comfort and appearance. 

If you'd like the fuss-free option, you can always take your pup to a groomer. However, if you'd like to take care of grooming yourself, here's what to look out for: 

How often should I wash my Jack Russell? 

Jack Russells need a bath every 6-8 weeks, unless they’ve rolled in something particularly dirty or smelly. 

Always use dog-friendly shampoo, as human products can irritate their skin. 

Why does my Jack Russell smell? 

All clean and healthy dogs have a slight doggie aroma. But if your pup has a particularly unpleasant odour, it could be: 

Ear infections. Ear mites leave a malodorous dark brown, waxy discharge. Speak to your vet about treatment. 

Oral health. If your dog has bad breath, they may have a dental issue, like gingivitis, that requires further investigation by your vet. Remember to clean their teeth regularly. 

Skin infections or allergies. All dogs can suffer from skin allergies. If hives are scratched, they can become infected and smell if left untreated. 

Digestive issues. Food that’s high in wheat, corn, or legumes (like beans, peas, and chickpeas) can lead to unpleasant gas or anal gland issues. Feed them a fresh, real food diet, like Lyka, which is more digestible! 

Feeding your Jack Russell 

This lively breed needs nutritious food to fuel their clever minds and agile bodies. The best Jack Russell diet is rich in high-quality protein, nutrient-dense ingredients, and healthy fats, like Lyka. 

Maintaining the right weight and body shape is crucial for a Jack Russell's health and wellbeing. They have long bodies relative to their short legs, so excess weight can affect their mobility, quality of life, and lifespan.  

Every dog is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Lyka calculates your pup’s portions based on their age, weight, and activity level. 

Jack Russell health concerns 

Jack Russells from reputable breeders are generally healthy. Like all dogs, they can still develop health issues or inherit conditions from their parents. 

Skin allergies 

Skin allergies are a common concern for Jack Russells, often triggered by food or environmental allergens. Dogs who experience allergies typically have red, itchy, and inflamed skin, hives, or recurring ear infections. 

Joint health 

Jack Russells can be prone to joint issues like arthritis — a painful condition that can impact your dog’s mobility and quality of life.  

Sensitive stomachs 

Jack Russells can experience digestive issues that cause vomiting, diarrhoea, gassiness, or constipation. They’re one of the most common reasons to visit a vet and can be linked to food sensitivities, infections, dysbiosis (an imbalanced microbiome), or chronic enteropathy. 

Cost of owning a Jack Russell 

If the thought of sharing your life with Jack Russell fills you with joy, we’re right behind you: the bond between a pup and parent is unique and special. It’s a lifelong commitment that shouldn’t be taken lightly, especially for a fearless bundle of energy like a Jack Russell.  

If you’re wondering how much a Jack Russell is, a puppy from a reputable breeder can cost up to $3,500. In addition to the initial cost of buying or adopting a dog, there’s the ongoing cost of ownership like healthcare, food, training, exercise, and equipment.  

Veterinary bills can be expensive and unexpected, so it’s worth considering pet insurance. According to PetSure, the most common health concern for Jack Russells requiring veterinary treatment was skin-related. The average cost for a single treatment in 2022 was $403 and the highest was $4,262. 
Maintaining your dog’s health with a holistic approach, including nutrition from fresh food, is essential for their wellbeing and can be a preventative measure against common health concerns, like skin issues.  

Jack Russell FAQs 

Are Jack Russells hypoallergenic? 

No. All Jack Russells shed their hair, so they’re not considered hypoallergenic.  

Do Jack Russells get along with cats and other pets? 

Jack Russells have a strong prey drive and should be supervised around smaller pets.  If you want them to get along with other animals, early socialisation is key.  

Is a Jack Russell a good family dog? 

Jack Russells can make great family pets if they’re trained and socialised from the get-go. Their feisty and stubborn nature may make them more appropriate for families with older children who understand how to interact with dogs. 

Where should my Jack Russell sleep? 

Your Jack Russell should sleep on a warm and comfortable bed. Whether they sleep on their own dog bed, in a crate, or in your bed, is up to you. Just make sure you’re consistent in your expectations. 

Can Jack Russells be good guard dogs? 

Jack Russells are known for their tendency to be vocal. They may not have the size to physically guard your house, but their boldness and loud bark may deter unwanted visitors.  

When should I desex my Jack Russell? 

Most dogs are desexed when they reach maturity. Your vet will consider your dog’s age, size, health, and behaviour to determine the right time for the procedure.  

For how long is a Jack Russell pregnant? 

A Jack Russell is pregnant for around 63 days or nine weeks from conception. 


Parenting a Jack Russell comes with many decisions. Lyka exists to make mealtimes easy, with tailored meal plans delivered to your door. We’re proud to be fuelling Jack Russells across Australia — from energetic pups, all the way through to dogs in their golden years. Join our pack of proud Jack Russell parents today. 

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