Lyka Story: How fresh dog food is helping Murphy in his senior years


As a now 15-year old, Murphy the Jack Russell has been through a number of health concerns over the past few years. But, thanks to fresh dog food, he’s now living his best life and is truly enjoying his senior golden years with his fur mama, Debra.

“I was never gifted with children, but Murph awakened a part of my soul I never knew existed.”
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

Read on to hear Murphy’s heart-warming journey to health and happiness.

Meeting Murphy

Murphy was a very lucky puppy, having been rescued when he was just 18 months old, handpicked by his two human brothers.

“He was adopted by my sister Karen, her husband Peter and their two young boys, Nic and Ryan – it was so special as the the boys got to pick him themselves.”
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

Murphy moves in with Debra

When Murph was 14, he began developing some serious health issues, which required constant care from his fur family. But, with Karen and Peter needing to go to work every day, Debra began to take on the role of Murph’s fur mama.

“My ‘adoption’ of Murph came about very gradually when he needed constant care and supervision after having an operation to remove a tumour from his back leg and then a toe removed a few weeks later.”
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

The transition began slowly with a few midweek sleepovers, but eventually Murph moved in permanently with Debra, who was able to provide the care he needed – with plenty of visits from Karen, Peter and the boys, of course!

“Murphy eventually moved in with me and our 93-year-old dad in 2020 at the age of 12, when my sister and her husband finally conceded that Murph was definitely going to be happier with me receiving 24/7 care, love and attention. Dad and I live in a lifestyle retirement village, so being a senior dog, Murph fits in perfectly!”
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

The dream pupper

With his low maintenance and gentle nature, unwavering loyalty and fierce intelligence, Murphy has been the perfect addition to Debra’s life and certainly knows how to pull at the heartstrings with those beautiful big brown eyes.

“He is so friendly to all humans and dogs, and his total presence in our lives is priceless. He follows me around everywhere – even to the loo! I have more love for him and from him than I could have ever imagined. I’m also certainly MUCH healthier from walking him every day – he absolutely loves his walks!’
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

Murphy and Lyka

Lyka came into Murphy’s world after a serious ordeal with his left anal gland.

“Along with the removal of a toe, Murphy had to have surgery to flush and clean the gland, which his vet said was the final step before having to remove the gland altogether, which could leave him incontinent! It was a very trying time for poor Murph, as he’d had a number of surgeries and went through a rough time over a period of three months, having to take courses of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories and cream applications. We also had to see the vet on a regular basis to have his anal glands manually squeezed and emptied, particularly as he couldn’t empty the left one himself.”
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

As a strong advocate for holistic medicine, Debra discovered Lyka’s fresh recipes after researching different diets and getting approval from their vet.

“Murphy had been very fussy with food, and for 18 months I tried cooking his meals mixed with some of the best dry foods available, but nothing worked and he just wasn’t enjoying mealtime. That’s until we discovered Lyka.”
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

Joining the Lyka pack signalled a fresh start for Murph’s health. Now in his golden years, Murphy has ditched the kibble for good and is living his best, healthiest and happiest fresh food life.

“Lyka was the start of an amazing journey for both Murph and I, and the Customer Care team were so helpful in assisting with his transition. His vet was also very impressed with his recovery and in her words, “he’s just so happy”. I’ve loved seeing him bounding around just how a Jack Russell should!
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

Saying goodbye to kibble forever and hello to health

Murph’s diet now consists of only Lyka’s fresh recipes and they’ve since ditched the kibble for good.

“After reading so many reports on the way kibble is made and also hearing from our vet that at Murphy’s age, it isn’t great for his kidneys, it was a no brainer to move solely onto Lyka, and thankfully Murphy loves all of the recipes.”
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

Now in his golden years, Murph is living his best, healthiest and happiest life. A life free from pain and discomfort.

“Combined with LED therapy, Murphy’s Lyka diet has been the key to his anal glands functioning well again and he is now drug-free and a perfect weight for his breed. Dry food has all gone to the wind! Life is now so much easier for me and far more nutritious for Murph – he’s just so happy and so is his mama!”
– Murph’s fur mama, Debra

Lyka: Bursting with taste and nutrition

Never compromising on taste or nutrition, Lyka’s 5 signature recipes are bursting with a colourful rainbow of ingredients that include purple sweet potato, broccoli, turmeric, blueberries and of course, the highest quality human-grade protein available. Not only are these ingredients 100% drool-worthy, they also help give your pup the boost they need, the glow-up they deserve and the energy they want to live their best, healthiest lives – and yes, that includes our beautiful senior puppers, too! Are you ready to make the switch for your pupper’s health today?

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