French Bulldog breed insights: care, personality & expert tips

Reviewed by our experts. More info
Anna Wei
French Bulldog outdoors

French Bulldogs are affectionate, charming, and compact — though they may be small, they have larger than life personalities! 

This is your go-to French Bulldog guide, with holistic tips on all aspects of wellness for the breed: from managing genetic skin and joint issues, to ensuring they get enough exercise and stimulation.

Top breed takeaways

French Bulldog top breed takeaways

  • French Bulldog temperament: French Bulldogs are known for being playful, people-oriented dogs. They aren’t as high energy as some other breeds: their idea of a well spent afternoon involves a sunny spot at home, with plenty of cuddles and belly rubs. They still enjoy short play sessions and thrive when socialised at an early age.

  • What does a French Bulldog look like? French Bulldogs are distinct in their appearance, with small bodies, bat-like ears, and a wrinkled face. They have a smooth, short coat with colours including fawn, white, brindle, and pied.

  • How long does a French Bulldog live for? French Bulldogs typically have a lifespan of 10-12 years. You can support them in living a healthy life through a holistic approach to wellness, focusing on nutritious food, plenty of exercise, and mental stimulation.

How big does a French Bulldog grow?

For those wondering when a French Bulldog is fully grown, they reach their adult size by 12 months of age. Their mature height and weight will depend on their gender and size of their parents.

Height: 28-33 cm
Weight: 9-13 kg

Caring for a French Bulldog puppy

Whether you’re a first-time parent or new to the breed, here’s what to expect owning a French Bulldog. 

Feeding a French Bulldog puppy

French Bulldog puppies thrive on high-quality protein for tissue growth, essential vitamins and minerals for bone development, and low GI carbohydrates for sustained energy.

Puppies don’t need specific puppy food, as long as they’re getting the right nutrients in the correct proportions — knowing how much to feed a French Bulldog puppy is essential. Lyka makes this simple, with custom-portioned meals tailored to your dog’s specific needs.

🐶 Read more: Puppy nutrition 101: what puppies eat for optimal health

How to train a French Bulldog 

French Bulldogs respond well to positive reinforcement — but as any seasoned Frenchie owner will tell you, this breed can be a little stubborn, so patience and consistency is key to successful training. Proper nutrition also influences your French Bulldog’s ability to focus and retain information, while supporting energy levels and overall mood.

Training a French Bulldog puppy

When welcoming a French Bulldog puppy into your home for the first time, toilet training is usually the top priority. Puppies can hold their bladder for one hour for every month of age, so they’ll need frequent bathroom breaks. Use each visit as an opportunity to reinforce your toilet training routine, and have faith that they’ll soon get the hang of it.

Enrichment activities are vital for your puppy’s development. They help your pup understand commands, learn self-regulation, and grow into a happy, healthy adult. Early training is crucial in channelling this breed’s exuberance in a positive way: young Frenchies learn fast, but can pick up bad habits just as easily, so ensure consistency from day one.

The gold standard is force-free training, which builds rapport and communication with your dog via positive reinforcement.

How much exercise does a French Bulldog need?

Despite having lower energy levels, French Bulldogs still need daily exercise: especially as the breed is prone to unhealthy weight gain. They require 45 minutes – 1 hour of exercise each day, but this doesn’t have to be rigorous. These stocky pups will stroll by your side if you’re in the mood for a slow walk, but they’ll find equal delight in an energetic play session.

Exercise can also be a valuable source of stimulation, which can help in preventing behavioural issues like excessive barking or destructive habits which can result from boredom.

How to groom a French Bulldog

French Bulldogs are relatively low-maintenance when it comes to grooming. Their short, smooth coat requires regular brushing to remove loose hair — while reducing the likelihood of skin issues, which are more common in French Bulldogs.

Use grooming sessions as an opportunity to check the folds around their face, as these areas can be prone to infection.

If you prefer a fuss-free option, professional grooming can ensure your French Bulldog’s coat is maintained. All French Bulldogs benefit from hygiene practices like nail trimming and ear cleaning, which a professional groomer can support with.

How often should I wash my French Bulldog?

French Bulldogs need a bath every 4-6 weeks, unless they’ve rolled in something dirty.

Always use a dog-friendly shampoo, as human products can irritate the skin.

Why does my French Bulldog smell?

All clean and healthy dogs have a slight doggie aroma. But if your pup has a particularly unpleasant odour, it could be:

  • Ear infections, as the breed’s unique ear shape can make them more prone to this health issue. Look out for a dark brown, waxy discharge as this is a sign of ear mites. Speak to your veterinarian about treatment.

  • Oral health can cause bad breath, which could be a sign of a dental issue like gingivitis. Remember to brush your Frenchie’s teeth regularly, and speak to your veterinarian if the issue persists.

  • Digestive issues, which French Bulldogs are prone to. Food that’s high in wheat, corn, or legumes (like beans, peas, and chickpeas) can lead to unpleasant gas or anal gland issues. Feed them a fresh, real food diet, like Lyka, which is more digestible!

Feeding your French Bulldog

French Bulldogs need nutritious food to fuel their minds and bodies. The best French Bulldog diet is one rich in high-quality protein, healthy fats, and nutrient-dense ingredients: like Lyka.

Every French Bulldog is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. Lyka calculates your dog’s dietary needs based on their age, weight, health status, and activity level.

French Bulldog sales page link

French Bulldog health issues

Like all dogs, French Bulldogs can develop health issues or inherit conditions from their parents — like Brachycephalic Airway Obstruction Syndrome (BOAS). Some health issues are more common than others.

Weight gain 

Most Frenchies love to eat — at Lyka, we’re all about creating moments of mealtime joy! This breed’s enjoyment of food, however, can become a problem if they’re carrying excess weight. 

Keeping French Bulldogs’ weight in check is essential, as their body type and musculoskeletal structure makes them more susceptible to weight gain.

Skin allergies

Skin allergies are a common concern for French Bulldogs, often triggered by food or environmental allergens. Dogs who experience allergies typically have red, itchy, and inflamed skin, hives, or recurring ear infections.

Joint health

French Bulldogs can be prone to musculoskeletal issues — which can impact your dog’s quality of life. Feeding a diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can aid joint and spinal health.

How much does a French Bulldog cost? 

If the thought of sharing your life with a French Bulldog fills you with joy, we’re right behind you: the relationship between a pup and parent is very special. But it’s a lifelong commitment that shouldn’t be taken lightly.

If you’re wondering how much a French Bulldog costs, a puppy from a reputable breeder can cost up to $6,500. In addition to the initial cost of buying or adopting a dog, there’s the ongoing cost of ownership with the need to account for healthcare, food, grooming, training, exercise, and equipment.

Veterinary bills can be expensive and unexpected. Pet insurance is worth considering, as French Bulldogs are prone to health issues like skin problems and breathing difficulties. Along with insurance, consider preventative healthcare through nutrition.

French Bulldog FAQs

Are French Bulldogs hypoallergenic? 

No, French Bulldogs shed their coats and are not considered hypoallergenic. 

Do French Bulldogs get along with cats and other pets? 

French Bulldogs can get along well with cats and other pets, with careful introductions, training, and patience. 

Is a French Bulldog a good family dog? 

Yes, they are affectionate and great with families, although supervision is needed around small children. 

Where should my French Bulldog sleep? 

French Bulldogs enjoy the comfort of a cosy bed, whether it's a dog bed or with their owners. Consistency in their sleeping arrangements is important. 

Can French Bulldogs be good guard dogs? 

While they may not be large enough in size to physically guard, their alertness and occasional barking can make them good watchdogs. 

When should I desex my French Bulldog?   

Most French Bulldogs are desexed once they stop growing. Consult your veterinarian who will consider your dog’s age, size, health, and behaviour to determine the right time for the procedure. 

For how long is a French Bulldog pregnant? 

A French Bulldog’s pregnancy lasts about 63 days or nine weeks from conception. 


Parenting a French Bulldog comes with many decisions. Lyka exists to make mealtimes easy, with tailored meal plans delivered to your door. We’re proud to be fuelling French Bulldogs across Australia — from energetic pups, all the way through to dogs in their golden years. 

Join the pack of Frenchie parents today! 

This article was reviewed by Lyka's veterinary and nutrition experts

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