Meet the team: Charlotte, Community Manager | Lyka Pet Food


Team Lyka is continuously growing, and with so many incredibly talented people working behind the scenes to bring you Australia’s freshest dog food, we thought we’d introduce you to some of our superstars!

Charlotte, Community Manager

What’s a typical day like for you at Lyka HQ?
I start my day by meeting with the marketing and customer care teams, as I work closely with both. Once we’ve addressed all tasks planned for the week, I then respond to questions and engage with our amazing community across our social channels, including Instagram and Facebook. I’ll also check in with our pack in our exclusive Lyka Pupper Parents Facebook group.

What is the best part of your role?
Getting to interact with our Lyka pack via Instagram and Facebook, and seeing the strong connections that are made and the support that’s present in our exclusive Facebook group – Lyka Pupper Parents! I also get to scout for gorgeous puppers and their pupper parents who believe in our mission and are helping us to spread the word about fresh food and dog nutrition.

What’s your favourite thing about working at Lyka?
I love that dogs are at the centre of everything we do!

What dog breed would you be?
A Golden Retriever! Blonde hair, active, playful and loving


Any tips for people wanting to join Team Lyka?
If you love working in a fast-paced, rewarding and exciting environment, and of course, love dogs – we’re just the place for you!

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A picture our range of Lyka meals

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