From fortnightly vet visits to thriving gut health: Benson’s Lyka Story

Benson the Golden Retriever feature image

Golden Retrievers are known for their carefree nature — but as Benson’s story reveals, even this joyful breed can face health challenges that affect their wellbeing.

When Ali and her partner welcomed Benson into their home as an 8-week-old puppy, they were charmed by his playful spirit. However, it wasn’t long before gut issues began overshadowing his happiness.

Switching to Lyka marked a turning point in Benson’s journey. Now, his zest for life is back in full swing — especially when it’s time for his next meal! Benson’s story is a testament to the transformative power of real food.

Meet Benson: gentle giant and lover of soft toys

Benson, a true Golden Retriever, expresses himself in ways you can't miss. He’ll capture your attention with imploring eyes and a dramatic flop of the head, before rolling onto his side with a lifted paw to invite you for a belly rub.

Benson sleeping

When Benson is tired, he takes himself to bed, soothing himself with Simba, his beloved lion toy. Ali describes him as a “total softie”: affectionate, loyal, observant, wise, and at times, stubborn.

“During COVID-19, Benson and I spent a lot of time together. My partner was working shifts as a midwife, so for almost two years, Benny and I were side-by-side. He kept me sane, kept me outdoors, kept me laughing and kept me grateful. It truly was special, and I look back on that time together so fondly.”

— Ali, Benson’s dog parent

Ali and her partner chose a Golden Retriever for their temperament, energy, and charm. They adored Benson so much that, as he grew from a puppy to an adolescent, they decided to bring Tiggy home for even more Goldie love.

Two Golden Retriever dogs playing

Two dogs mean more walks, food, grooming, and cleaning — but it also means double the love. Watching Benson and Tiggy’s bond grow has been heartwarming and fulfilling.

Benson’s ongoing gut issues as a puppy

Ali recalls the frustration and stress of not knowing why Benson’s symptoms were persisting — his poos were never quite right, often resembling diarrhoea, and he was experiencing ongoing anal gland problems.

Benson a Golden Retriever puppy

Though Benson was always a happy dog overall, these problems made him agitated, tired, and itchy. The couple’s veterinary bills were rising fast, with visits becoming a fortnightly routine.

“He had serious food allergies. After trying multiple dry and raw food diets, we still couldn’t get his guts right... we didn’t want him to experience the ongoing discomforts of food allergies for years to come.”

— Ali, Benson’s dog parent

They ended up seeking advice from a vet dietician who recommended an elimination diet and looking into Lyka. For Ali, Lyka’s offering aligned with her values of feeding wholesome, nutritious food without the hassle of preparing meals at home each week — a crucial factor given their full-time work schedules. She felt confident that Benson wouldn’t be exposed to trigger ingredients in his food.

Lyka’s appeal: quality ingredients to address gut issues at the source

After transitioning to Lyka, Benson’s energy levels soared. His stools returned to normal, his skin and eye irritations disappeared, and the endless vet visits and medications became a thing of the past.

“It shows how much better it is to address the root cause of issues with healthy, nutritious food rather than relying on long-term medication. Benson is thriving.”

— Ali, Benson’s dog parent

Thanks to Lyka’s single-protein formulas, tailored to his dietary needs, Benson’s skin and coat health has improved dramatically. When it came time to decide what to feed Tiggy, the decision was a no brainer: Lyka’s formulation helps puppies like Tiggy thrive just as it did for Benson.

“As we were transitioning Tiggy off her puppy food, she took one smell of what Benson was eating (Lyka) and wouldn’t settle for anything less. Safe to say the transition period didn’t take long!”

— Ali, Benson’s dog parent

Benson and Tiggy Golden Retriever testimonial

Complete peace of mind: “we couldn’t thank Lyka enough.”

Both the Golden Retrievers pups love breakfast and dinner time: they bounce with excitement, and they’ve had to invest in slow feeders so that they don’t inhale it within 20 seconds.

“It’s extremely satisfying as a pet owner, to know you are feeding something nutritious and healthy with such benefit to their overall health. Not only is it convenient for us, it meets their health demands: that is priceless.”

— Ali, Benson’s dog parent

Start a new chapter in your Golden Retriever’s life today: get your Starter Box, or speak to a Customer Care specialist about finding a custom meal plan for your pup.

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Try out 6 different proteins before committing to a flexible meal plan that meets your dog’s taste preferences and needs.

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A picture our range of Lyka meals

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