Why B Corp Certification is only the beginning for our pack

Three superhero dogs on pile of fresh food

B Corp Certification shows how far we’ve come, but it was never the finish line. There’s lots going on behind the scenes at Lyka. 

We’re always looking for ways to improve. This mindset helps us find innovative ways to get the best health outcomes for your dog, while also doing our part as a community. Let’s take a moment to celebrate some recent strides we’ve made together, pups by our side.

Safeguarding biodiversity in the supply chain

Variety in real dog food ingredients is great for your pup's microbiome, but it also benefits Australia’s flora and fauna! Across the supply chain, we work with like-minded suppliers to support biodiversity in farming and agriculture.

Our sardine suppliers use sonar technology and the purse seine method to fish responsibly, minimising by-catch. By-catch is unwanted marine life that gets caught in commercial fishing nets when suppliers are fishing for other species. Less by-catch means fewer fish being thrown back into the water while dead or dying.

The purse seine method locates a specific school of fish before the net is deployed, sometimes using a floating raft or barrel (known as a Fish Aggregating Device or FAD) to attract fish.

By-catch for suppliers using the purse seine method is 1%, and less than 1% for those not using FADs.

In 2023, we used around 50,000kg of sardines.

  • By using the purse seine method without FADs, our by-catch was 1% of 50,000kg: this works out to be 500kg.

  • By using other methods, by-catch would be closer to the Australian average — 24.6% of the total amount caught, or 12,300kg.

With your support, we have reduced approximately 11,800kg of by-catch by choosing a sustainable supplier over the “average”.

Promoting a circular economy

Last year, we replaced our food’s pouch packaging with bioplastic — an Australian first. This commitment has extended to the supply chain: we’ve eliminated and recycled all single use plastics, collaborating with other businesses (like our chicken and turkey suppliers).

Keeping carbon emissions below zero

As Australia’s only carbon negative pet food brand, we’re committed to minimising and offsetting emissions across scope 1-3. This means controlling the carbon we’re directly responsible for producing, as well as indirect emissions and those that come from our suppliers.

For every kilogram of food that makes it to your door, an additional kilogram of carbon is offset. Lyka Pupper Parents planted approximately 40,000 native trees in 2023. This helps to reduce emissions, as trees absorb carbon dioxide — a major greenhouse gas.

Saving every drop

We’re committed to recycling and reducing consumption of water. We use sustainable cleaning products in kitchens for less water contamination, and exclusively source wild-caught fish to avoid fish farming water contamination. Our dog food facility in Melbourne has auto cleaning systems to increase water efficiency while reducing consumption.

1,040,000L of water was saved in 2023 through our stormwater collection system — found in our kitchens and repurposed for toilets, gardening, and other non-food related uses. This equates to almost half an Olympic swimming pool in volume: an Olympic swimming pool holds 2,500,000L!

Doing our part for the community

In 2023, over 10 tons of food was donated to dog shelters in New South Wales and Victoria. We’re on a mission to create better health outcomes for all dogs in Australia, and we couldn’t do it without our pack.

Read more about Lyka’s sustainability practices

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