There’s nothing like a good scratch to relieve an itch. But if your dog is scratching more than usual, it could be a skin condition.
The skin is the first barrier of defence against harmful germs and irritants — its condition gives us important clues about our dog’s health.
Skin concerns are the most common reason to visit the vet. According to PetSure1, skin irritations are the 2nd most common VetChat enquiry according to the 2024 Pet Health Monitor report2.
Whether it's allergies, parasites, infections and stress affecting their coat and skin, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to the different types of dog skin diseases, including pictures, symptoms and treatments to help your dog ditch the itch.
Veterinarian Dr Darcy Marshall and Qualified Vet Nurse Sarah Pollard medically reviewed this article.*
Skin condition signs and symptoms to look out for
Skin conditions usually have more than one symptom. Look out for these other common signs:
Persistent scratching
Repeated licking
Patchy coat or dry and brittle hair
Redness and rashes
Pustules (bumps that contain pus and look like pimples!)
Lesions (wounds or scabs)
Scaly or crusty skin
Unpleasant smell
1. Allergies
Like humans, dogs can experience an allergic reaction to something they’ve ingested or an environmental trigger. Breeds like Cavoodles, Border Collies and Dachshunds tend to be more prone to dog skin allergies.
Flea allergy dermatitis (FAD)
When a flea bites a dog, it releases saliva into the bloodstream that contains antigens. The dog’s body identifies it as an allergen and releases histamines, which cause localised swelling, redness and itchiness.
Flea allergy dermatitis symptoms: flea bites form small red itchy bumps on the skin. You may also spot flea dirt (faeces) — little brownish-red spots. If your dog has FAD, there will be itchiness and possibly hair loss in the “flea triangle” — the area from the middle of the back to the base of their tail and down their rear legs.
Flea allergy dermatitis treatment: a mild reaction to a few bites can be soothed by a cool bath and medicated shampoo. If the bites have triggered FAD, your pup may require treatment from their vet. Protect them against fleas by using flea prevention treatments or aids.
Environmental allergies
Environmental allergens cause a whopping 90% of allergic reactions in dogs.
These might be seasonal triggers like grass, tree and weed pollens and other non-seasonal allergens including dust mites, storage mites, mould, yeasts, and smoke. Substances used to control weeds, pests, fungi and bacteria can also trigger allergic reactions.
Atopic dermatitis in dogs is a common chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting 10-15% of the canine population in Australia. It's an allergic response to air-borne particles entering the skin through a weakened immune barrier. Contact allergies are also triggered by skin contact with the allergen, like running through long grass or rolling on the ground.
Environmental allergy symptoms: Persistent itching or rubbing, ear infections, chewing or licking paws, sneezing, watery eyes, hives, sores, redness or rashes, hair loss, greasy or tough, dry skin, a yeasty smell.
Environmental allergy treatment: depends on the trigger, so consult your vet for advice.
Limit your pup’s exposure to the allergen where possible and give them a good wipe down with a damp cloth after a walk. Speak to your vet about which medicated shampoo and moisturiser would be the best option for your dog.
Antihistamines can be given but always check the correct dosage with your vet. Antifungals or antibiotics can remedy secondary skin infections.
More significant treatments may include allergen immunotherapy3 (AIT) or immunomodulatory medications including atopica, cytopoint and Apoquel, which may be required for short-term relief for some dogs.
Due to the potential side effects and the possibility of their diminishing effectiveness over time, Lyka’s in-house veterinarians prefer to use the smallest dose of immunomodulatory medication and focus on reducing the immune system’s reactivity by minimising inflammation and oxidative stress.
Phytonutrients like curcumin4 in turmeric and quercetin5 in blueberries have potent antihistaminic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that support your pup’s immune system and minimise the allergic response.
A diet rich in omega fatty acids from oils like flaxseed, fish, and cold-pressed safflower can help reduce inflammation and boost skin resilience.
Food allergy dermatitis
A cutaneous adverse food reaction (CAFR) describes food allergies or sensitivities that affect skin health. It’s a common canine concern, usually triggered by a food intolerance to an ingredient.
Food allergy dermatitis symptoms: Itchy skin and ears, sores on their paws, vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss, lethargy, and behavioural changes.
Food allergy dermatitis treatment: the most effective treatment is an elimination and rechallenge trial to identify and remove the offending food from your pup’s diet for six months or longer.
There’s a strong connection between a dog’s gut and skin health. Removing the trigger ingredient allows the gut to heal enabling some dogs to tolerate the food again.
Lyka’s in-house vets prefer high-quality, real food, novel protein diets for dogs for elimination trials over hydrolysed food. They're found to be more effective at healing the gut lining, are free from storage mites and dogs prefer to eat them.
🐩 Read more: What is hypoallergenic dog food? A vet expert's guide →
2. Dandruff
Dandruff is dead skin flakes visible on your dog’s coat. You may also notice them on bedding, blankets or other surfaces they’ve been relaxing on.
It may signal other issues like dry skin, parasites, allergies, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, infection or irritation.
There are three main types of dandruff:
Seborrhea sicca (dry seborrhea)
Symptoms: white flakes with scaly skin
Treatment: identification of the underlying cause is the primary concern. Management of seborrhea sicca may include antibiotics or antifungals, medicated shampoo, omega-3 supplements, and other vet-prescribed oral or topical treatments.
Seborrhea oleosa (oily seborrhea)
Symptoms: oily skin and a distinct odour
Treatment: the treatment of seborrhea oleosa is the same as seborrhea sicca (see above).
Walking dandruff (Cheyletiellosis)
Symptoms: redness, scaly skin, bald patches. It may look like the dandruff is moving, but this is a highly contagious parasitic infection caused by mites.
Treatment: a topical treatment from the vet may be required. Mites are usually susceptible to ingredients in flea and tick control medications, so keep these up to date, too.
Keep your pup well-groomed to prevent matting, which irritates the skin and causes dandruff. Treat dry skin with a soothing dog dandruff shampoo to ease the issue.
Adding omega-3s6 and essential fatty acids to your pup’s diet can reduce itchiness and dry skin by up to 50%.
🐩 Read more: Dog skin allergies: triggers, symptoms and itch relief treatment (with photos) →
3. Yeast infections
It’s normal to find yeast on the skin of all animals, but an overabundance can cause issues. Yeast loves a warm, dark and moist environment, so check for an infection on your dog’s paws, belly, pits, ears, skin folds and groin.
Yeast infection symptoms: if your dog has a yeast or fungal infection, they might have a rash on their tummy, or their skin might appear greasy, thickened, flaky or discoloured — pinky red or greyish brown. You might also notice excessive scratching, rubbing or licking, hair loss or an unpleasant musty odour. If it’s in their ears, they will probably tilt and shake their head more often than usual.
Yeast infection treatment: Usually, yeast is maintained by your dog’s natural immune system. When there’s a yeast infection, it’s usually a sign that their immunity has been compromised by an underlying issue, like hypothyroidism (underperforming thyroid glands that weaken skin and immunity), Cushing's disease (an overproduction of cortisol) and flea or tick medicine (can but strain on immunity).
Consult your vet who will swab the affected area, diagnose the problem and prescribe the appropriate medication for the yeast and any underlying issues.
Many holistic veterinarians suspect that a diet containing omega 6-rich, high glycaemic index simple carbohydrates (wheat, corn and other cereals) can contribute to a yeast infection via a mechanism known as diet-driven inflammation.
Research7 has shown that ear infections, often stemming from yeast infections, are more likely to occur when dogs have a high proportion of simple carbohydrates in their diet. Ingredients like wheat, corn and other cereals can feed a yeast infection via diet-driven inflammation.
Opt for a fresh food diet8, like Lyka, which reduces inflammation8 and increases immune function.
4. Ringworm
Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal infection that spreads via direct contact with the skin lesion. The spores can also spread via your dog’s coat, bowls, bedding, carpet and other furniture.
Although ringworm in dogs is very contagious, the risk is greater for pets who are stressed or have weakened immunity, so it’s common in animal shelters or boarding kennels.
Ringworm symptoms: Red skin lesions (often in a ring-shaped rash), scaly skin, itchiness, broken hair and hair loss, rough and brittle claws.
Ringworm treatment: Your vet can use a special UV light to spot ringworm infections or can swab and test the affected area. Usually, a pup is prescribed a topical treatment for the skin and an oral anti-fungal treatment.
Malnutrition or a diet lacking in one or more nutrients can impair the production and activity of immune cells and antibodies. Diets that are limited in variety and lower in nutrients, like processed foods like kibble, can negatively affect a healthy immune system.
Feeding a fresh, real food Lyka diet, can help support a stronger defensive barrier.
🐩 Read more: Freshly cooked vs kibble for dogs: which is better? →
5. Shedding and hair loss
Excessive shedding can be caused by excessive itching: a symptom of many skin conditions rather than a specific sign of disease. It can also suggest other underlying conditions including endocrine disorders, like hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease.
Shedding and hair loss symptoms: Shedding more than usual and a dry, brittle, patchy or thinning coat
Shedding and hair loss treatment: Excessive shedding or fur loss can often be caused by a poor diet. Commercial pet foods can use cheap, low-quality ingredients that don’t contain all the nutrients your dog needs to maintain a healthy coat.
Fish oil is one of the best supplements to add to your pup’s diet. The omega 3s provide essential proteins and nutrients to hair follicles and skin, reducing hair follicle inflammation — a factor that can directly contribute to hair loss.
🐩 Read more: Hair loss in dogs: Could it be my dog’s diet? →
6. Mange/Demodex
Demodectic Mange or Demodex is caused by microscopic parasitic mites that live in hair follicles. Most dogs and humans have a few of these mites on their skin — they can be harmless if the host’s immune system is strong and healthy, but a problem if your pup has low immunity.
Mange/Demodex symptoms: Mange dog skin conditions can be localised to a small area and cause red, scaly skin and patches of hair loss, usually starting on the face, especially around the eyes. If Demodex is generalised, it can cause scaling, swelling, crusty skin, self-inflicted wounds (from scratching) and significant hair loss (alopecia).
Mange/Demodex treatment: localised mange can recede without intervention. Serious cases can be treated with topical medication and special shampoos.
Real food can support your pup’s immune system with a diet full of natural antioxidants like Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Beta-Carotene.
7. Zinc-Responsive Dermatosis (ZRD)
ZRD is a rare skin disorder resulting from zinc deficiency or malabsorption in the small intestine.
ZRD symptoms: Red, scaly, crusty, thickened skin. Lesions are often found around the pressure points (elbows and paw pads) or the eyes, nose and ears.
ZRD treatment: ZRD can be prevented with a complete and balanced diet, which contains the appropriate level of bioavailable zinc. Avoid phytates that are found in legumes, whole grains and seeds, as these can reduce the body’s ability to absorb zinc and other important minerals.
The ratios of zinc, calcium and copper within our Lyka recipes and the lack of phytate content support the effective absorption of these essential minerals.
8. Hot spots (pyotraumatic dermatitis)
Hot spots are very common skin complaints in dogs, usually caused by an underlying issue such as an allergy, bite or infection. They can be found anywhere on the body, but are frequently found on the head, hips and legs.
Hot spot symptoms: red and inflamed skin lesions that may ooze pus or form a scab. Hot spots are usually caused by self-inflicted trauma to the skin that triggers a vicious cycle of scratching and licking that enlarges the wound. Warm, humid weather can exacerbate the problem.
Hot spot treatment: address the underlying issue first, then treat the wound to prevent further infection and discourage further itching and licking. Clipping the hair short can encourage the wound to dry and form a scab, but you may need to use a cone or a protective barrier over the area to stop further damage.
“Flea bites and humid weather can often increase the risk of hot spots, especially in golden retrievers.”
— Dr. Matthew Muir, Lyka Co-founder and Integrative Veterinarian
A commercial diet high in pro-inflammatory omega-6, usually from carbohydrates, can contribute to chronic hot spot issues. Try a real food diet with anti-inflammatory ingredients and omega-3s to provide vital skin-boosting nutrients.
🐩 Read more: Life-changing dog food for itchy and sensitive skin →
9. Folliculitis
Inflammation of the hair follicles (folliculitis) is a common skin condition triggered by bacterial or fungal overgrowth, parasites, hot spots, allergies, or other underlying problems.
Folliculitis symptoms: Swelling, redness, itchiness, pustules and hair loss
Folliculitis treatment: Your vet can diagnose if there is an underlying cause and provide you with appropriate treatment that may include topical medication, special shampoo or antibacterial or antifungal treatment.
When to see the vet
A little itch is normal, but constant scratching, licking, or changes in your dog’s skin — like redness, flakiness, hair loss, or an unusual odour — signal it’s time for a vet visit. Skin issues often have underlying causes. Your vet can help pinpoint the cause and recommend the best course of treatment — whether that’s topical care, medication, or dietary adjustments to support long-term skin health.
Ditch the itch with Lyka
Healthy skin starts with good nutrition. Lyka meals are made with fresh ingredients to help reduce inflammation and sensitivities, relieve irritation, and promote a healthy immune response to potential allergens.
Developed by board-certified veterinary nutritionists, Lyka meals are designed to actively strengthen your dog's defence against allergies and irritants and nourish their skin from the inside out.
Vet-prescribed treatment to manage the condition and a nourishing real food diet to support ongoing skin health may be the ideal combination for your pup.
*Veterinarian Dr Darcy Marshall and Qualified Vet Nurse Sarah Pollard medically reviewed this article.
Dr Darcy Marshall, BSc, DVM, is a Veterinarian with a strong focus on preventative medicine, dedicated to keeping pets healthy and thriving through proactive care. She studied a Bachelor of Science (BSc) at the University of Melbourne Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) at the University of Melbourne.
Sarah Pollard is a qualified Veterinary Nurse and Customer Care Specialist at Lyka, and previously practised at North Richmond Vet Hospital as a Veterinary Nurse. She has a Certificate in Canine Behaviour (International School of Canine Psychology and Behaviour), Animal Studies Cert II and Certificate IV Vet Nursing.
1PetSure Australian Pet Health Monitor 2023 report
2PetSure Australian Pet Health Monitor 2024 report
3Willemse A, Van den Brom WE, Rijnberk A. Effect of hyposensitization on atopic dermatitis in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1984
4Campigotto G, Alba DF, Sulzbach MM, Dos Santos DS, Souza CF, Baldissera MD, Gundel S, Ourique AF, Zimmer F, Petrolli TG, Paiano D, Da Silva AS. Dog food production using curcumin as antioxidant: effects of intake on animal growth, health and feed conservation. Arch Anim Nutr. 2020
5Atuahene D, Costale A, Martello E, Mannelli A, Radice E, Ribaldone DG, Chiofalo B, Stefanon B, Meineri G. A Supplement with Bromelain, Lentinula edodes, and Quercetin: Antioxidant Capacity and Effects on Morphofunctional and Fecal Parameters (Calprotectin, Cortisol, and Intestinal Fermentation Products) in Kennel Dogs. Vet Sci. 2023
6BDr Becker K. Omega-3 fatty acids: Benefits for pets. Bark & Whiskers. 2015
7Hemida, M. B., Vuori, K. A., Borgström, N. C., Moore, R., Rosendahl, S., & Anturaniemi, J. (2023). Early life programming by diet can play a role in risk reduction of otitis in dogs. Frontiers in Veterinary Science
8Jaffey JA, Su D, Monasky R, Hanratty B, Flannery E, Horman M. Effects of a whole food diet on immune function and inflammatory phenotype in healthy dogs: A randomized, open-labeled, cross-over clinical trial. Front Vet Sci. 2022